Lav4All Homepage
Lav4All (Lavatory for All) is a study on barrier-free aircraft toilets.
The use of aircraft toilets is often very limited or even impossible for many persons with reduced mobility.
In short-haul and medium-haul traffic, aircraft toilets are generally not barrier-free, as the space for toilets
is very limited in order to maximize the number of seats. In large-capacity aircrafts there are toilets named
as barrier-free toilets but de facto the requirements in terms of universal design are not fully met.
Lavatory4All aims to carry out intensive research into barrier-free aircraft toilet solutions
that meet both the needs of affected individuals and are acceptable to airlines in terms of dimensions.
Project partners are:
Project financing
The Lav4All project (Project number 861102) is a study financed partly in the 2016th Call of the Austrian "Aviation programme TAKE OFF"
of the Autrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (bmvit) by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG).
Total costs of the project: € 592.990. Duration of the project: 01/9/2017-31/12/2019 (extended).