AAT Living Lab
The task of socio-economically oriented information technology must be to bring the possibilities and benefits of innovative information technology also into remote areas of society.
This can only succeed if the design process is provided with suitable interaction and interfaces between science and society which promote exploratory and participatory design of technical solutions.
A Living Lab or Test and Demo Apartment for "Applied Assistive Technologies" and "Ambient Assisted Living" therefore is available for user-centered research.
It is targeted at people with disabilities and old people (and their relatives and care persons) who often have low technology affinity so that meaningful and uninfluenced design and evaluation processes can only be made under "non-laboratory conditions".

This AAT Living Lab can be used by the institute in a variety of research, experimental development and teaching settings. For the support of bachelor and diploma theses as well as dissertations, this laboratory offers a suitable opportunity to meet with test persons and potential users.

The work in the AAT-Living Lab also benefits from the other labs of the institute: For experiments in lifelike living environment setups, modifications and mock-ups are needed, as well as "Tangible User Interfaces"
and features of the "Internet-of-Things". The AAT Living Lab this way also has good integration with the manifold working areas of the institute.
P. Panek, P. Mayer, G. Edelmayer, C. Beck, W.L. Zagler (2013) A Laboratory for AAL Applications, Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik. ISSN (Online) 1862-278X, ISSN (Print) 0013-5585, DOI: 10.1515/bmt-2013-4239, September 2013
P. Mayer, P. Panek (2013) A Social Assistive Robot in an Intelligent Environment, Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik. ISSN (Online) 1862-278X, ISSN (Print) 0013-5585, DOI: 10.1515/bmt-2013-4240, September 2013