MORE Details
Overview: The MORE System (MSY)

MORE System Components (Developed Prototypes)
MORE Phone (MPH):

Functions: The MPH provides the standard GSM functionality like that found in most other GSM phones. The menu is configurable in its complexity and speed to fit to different users’ needs and abilities. An easy to access phonebook memory is implemented. The basic call operations are possible without using the display. All output on the display is available also as speech and external. The operation provides automatism in dialling and accepting calls to make operation easier for people not used to mobile telephony. The user can determine his/her position on the MPH’s display with or without position correction from a MORE Service Centre (MSC). Together with a MSC the special functions to make an SOS call, to track the users position (also within a predefined area), to periodically check the response of the user and for remote configuration of the MPH’s settings are implemented. The last security relevant events are recorded in the MPH’s internal logfile.
Design considerations for D&E:
- Standard GSM functions, easy to access
- Configurable complexity of MMI
- Easy to access phonebook memory
- Automatic dialling and accepting functions with default area code
- Easy SOS call function
- GPS localisation function
- User position tracking
- Periodic check function
- Remote configuration from MSC
MORE Service Centre (MSC) Workstation:

MSC functions:
All MSC functions are integrated under the MSC GUI SW. The most important functions provided are:
- Receive SOS call
- Make call (2 simultaneous PSTN lines)
- Call forwarding
- Tracking of MPH position
- Periodic check
- Show user data
- Show position
- Correct position
- Control MPH
- Logging of alarm events and procedures
- Design considerations for D&E and MSC staff:
- The MSC offers all security services under a powerful single GUI to MPH users
- Checking status of MPH (e.g. battery status)
- Handling of automatic alarms when a MPH encounters errors.
- Localising on user request to guide user home
- Additional services like text communication relay services can be integrated
MORE Hearing Aids Interface (TECOK):

The MORE TECOK is a special MPH accessory providing a wireless connection of the MPH to a hearing aid. It is directly or via a cable attached to the MPH’s bottom connector and allows further accessories to be connected via its connector. The microphone is worn by the user together with an inductive neck loop that connects wireless to the hearing aid. It complies with ETSI ETS 300381/IEC 118-4 regarding field strength of induction loops. The function of the TECOK can be controlled directly via the MPH’s menu without the need for an extra user interface (programs “mild”, “moderate”, “severe” and “custom”, microphone level and other special parameters). The output volume of the TECOK is controlled by the MPH’s volume keys as usual. An improved version of the MORE TECOK with improved noise immunity that would need slight modifications on the hearing aids is under consideration (radio link without need for neck loop). The TECOK complies with the guidelines developed in the EU HAMPIIS project.
MORE GPS Reference Station:

This MRS GPS receiver delivers the differential GPS information necessary to correct the GPS coordinates from the MPH to about +-5m of accuracy. The MSC SW sends the raw GPS coordinates typically via a serial link to the MRS and receives back the corrected coordinates. The GPS antenna for the MRS must be located (outside the building) such that as many satellites as possible are in view. The MRS is designed to cover an area with up to 100km radius (accuracy decreases with distance to the MORe phone).
Results of Tests Tests of the MORE prototype system at the test sites showed that the developed functions work and verified the usability and utility for potential users.
Although the prototypes provided the specified functionality, redesign is necessary before commercial deployment:
- Uptake of new technology must reduce size and weight of the MPH
- User interface of the MPH and MSC must be improved and completed
Public Report
As a summary to all potentially interested groups a public report is available. Download Reports and Demonstration to other interested groups.