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Telematics for disabled & elderly people - EC Tide Project DE 3006.
Project Summary
The project aims at integrating the non-uniform group of disabled and elderly potential customers into the mobile phone users society for interpersonal communication. The GSM services have great potential for enhancing autonomy and quality of their life.
The main objective is to redesign existing mobile phones and simplify the user interface to meet the manifold needs of elderly and disabled people and make mobile phone services accessible for them.
A second objective is to realise an efficient access to emergency services, i.e. provide a foolproof and failsafe operating procedure and integrate GPS-localization features.
A third objective is to provide interfaces to add-on equipment e.g. for hearing impaired: Text telephony awareness of public alarms, speech intelligibility enhancement, and link to hearing aids.
A specific objective is to provide interfaces to integrate results from TIDE projects SICONA and DEFIE, and to solve the severe interference impact of digital mobile phones on hearing aids.
The anticipated result is the Mobile Rescue phone and system: The basic MORE-Phone is a mobile phone with integrated GPS, forming the 'application core' - with customizing features by optional multimodal i/o add-ons. GSM standard infrastructure is used. Existing public and private service centres will be upgraded with computer mapping equipment and software.
Major Validation Sites
All conceivable user categories are integrated in the project from the beginning - via the test site partners in the 'MORE user club'. They will define the user requirements covering basic future mobile multimedia and 'design for all' aspects. They will test the demonstrators.
The MORE-system contains and integrates GSM and GPS modules, and utilises GSM services and infrastructure, software-modules have to be added and user interface has to be redesigned.
Expected benefits for the citizens
By using the MORE-Phone elderly and disabled citizens can call for individual help or initiate rescue at any time from any place covered by GSM. In the emergency call mode the efficiency of rescue activities will increase remarkably due to precise localisation of the user.
Expected benefits for the users of the application
Disabled and elderly people will gain general access to mobile telecommunications, and get the presently missing support for spontaneous safe-guarded moving around. Support is provided for those European households/homes which take care of elderly or disabled persons.
Expected benefits for the European Industries
The MORE-Phone is an innovative product family and puts the European industry ahead of international competition in assistive technology. The industrial partners intend to produce a first production run very soon after the project.

Contribution to EU Policies
The project is user driven. The MORE-system improves the autonomy of life for older and disabled people, covering the manifold user categories with the basic MORE-Phone, thus meeting the 'ARTICLE 100A DIRECTIVE'. The consortium is cooperating with SAFE21 and takes results from SICONA and DEFIE projects. The rich experience of the work done under the COST219 action and the INCLUDE project was integrated into the development process.
MORE directly meets the requirements of the EU’s 4th Framework Programme, where consideration of D&E was a main issue.
The different Key Actions of the EU’s 5th Framework Programme also include the needs of D&E e.g. KA1 "Systems and services for the citizen" of the 2nd Thematic Programme “Promoting a User-Friendly Information Society (IST)” addresses the development of services “for everybody” and in the preamble D&E are specifically addressed under “socio-economic needs”. KA1.3 expressively deals with “Persons with special needs, including the disabled and the elderly”. Priorities of the KAs are defined for persons with special needs “to support autonomous living, social integration and participation in the information society”, all of which are addressed by MORE. Cross programme action 3 deals with Design-for-all for an inclusive information society. The project is user driven. The MORE-system improves the autonomy of life for elderly and disabled people, covering the manifold user categories with the basic MORE-Phone, thus meeting the 'ARTICLE 100A DIRECTIVE'.
Project duration
January 1997 - March 2000
Dr. Ing. Hans Herrmann
Institut für Mikroelektronik Stuttgart, 70569 Stuttgart, Allmandring 30a, D-70569 Stuttgart, DE Tel: + 49 711 685 5838 Fax: + 49 711 685 5930 E-Mail: herrmann@mikro.uni-stuttgart.de
Project Partners
Salo; FIN 24101 |
Finnland |
Guidel; FR 56520 |
France |
Torino; I 10148 |
Italy |
Wien; A 1040 |
Austria |
Helsinki, FIN 00530 |
Finnland |
IfADo |
Dortmund; D 44139 |
Germany |
Rigel Eng. |
Brussels; B 1030 |
Belgium |
London; UK GU 7PX |
United Kingdom |
Contact the MORE group for further information.
More details about MORE can be found on the Details Page.