Lena Hallwirth: Radiobeitrag in Radiodoktor "Technik und Alter", (in German) about the AAL / benefit projects iToilet, moduLAAr and WAALTeR in ORF Oe1 in der Sendung "Radiodoktor", 2 November 2017, duration: 7:20 minutes
Lena Hallwirth: iToilet – Das etwas andere Örtchen (in German), Radiobeitrag in ORF Oe1, Matrix, 9 April 2017, duration: 3:52 minutes
Ruth Hutsteiner: Wie Technik ältere Menschen unterstützen könnte (in German), Radiobeitrag in ORF Oe1, Wissen Aktuell, 26 Sept 2016, duration 4:50 minutes
Wien Wissen: Smartes Klo, club.wien.at, 01/2018, page 5
Dissemination Activities
P. Panek, P. Mayer, F. Güldenpfennig, R.Rosenthal et al. (2018) Hands-on demo of iToilet prototype at the Vienna Research Festival, 14th - 16th September 2018
B. Unger-Hrdlicka et al. (2018) Presentation of iToilet project at the social tech event of the Vienna Business Agency on 16 July 2018.
K. Linzer et al. (2018) Information about iToilet and poster presentation at integra fair 2018, Wels, Autria, 25-27 April 2018
P. Panek et al. (2018) iToilet poster presentation at Smarter Lives research conference, university of Innsbruck, Austria, 20 Feb 2018
H. Loidl et al. (2018) iToilet prototype demonstration on exhibition booth of Carecenter GmbH at German fair Altenpflege, Hannover, Germany, 6 - 8 March 2018
H. Loidl et al. (2017) iToilet prototype demonstration on exhibition booth of Carecenter GmbH at Viennese nursing congress pflegekongress17, Austria Center Vienna, Wien, Autria, 30 Nov - 1 December 2017
H. Loidl et al. (2017) iToilet project demonstration at ConSozial, 8-9 Nov 2017, in Nuremberg, Germany.
P. Mayer et al. (2017) project presentation at TUdiversity Tag, invited, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, 23 October 2017
A. Rist et al. (2017) iToilet exhibition booth and project presentation at AAL Forum 2017, Coimbra, Portugal, 2-4 October 2017
P. Panek, P. Mayer (2017) Ein IKT-basiertes Toilettensystem für ältere zu Hause lebende Personen (in German), oral presentation at Forum IKT, Johannes Kepler Universtität, Linz, Austria, 4-5 July 2017
P. Panek, P. Mayer (2016) Ein Toilettensystem zur Unterstützung älterer Menschen, Vortrag auf der Smarter Lives Forschungskonferenz, Universität Innsbruck, Austria, 29-11-2016.
P. Panek (2016) Technische Assistenz im Sanitärbereich, invited oral presentation at Pflegekongress 2016 (nursing congress), Austria Center Vienna, 24 – 25 November 2016. [Link to Slides in PDF, in German]
Scientific Publications
F. Güldenpfennig, P. Mayer, P. Panek, G. Fitzpatrick (2019) An Autonomy-Perspective on the Design of Assistive Technology: Experiences of People with Multiple Sclerosis, accepted for ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2019), Glasgow, UK, May 4-9, 2019
G. Fazekas, et al. (2019) Assistive technology in the toilet - Field test of an ICT-enhanced lift-WC, submitted to 15th EFRR Congress 2019, April 15-17, 2019, Berlin, Germany (in review)
P. Mayer, P. Panek (2019) iToilet – Ein motorisiertes und IKT-unterstütztes Toilettensystem. Hilfe für das selbständige Leben zu Hause, Zeitschrift Orthopädie Technik, eingeladen (Beitrag akzeptiert, Erscheinungsdatum: März 2019)
P. Panek, P. Mayer (2018) iToilet – Untersuchungen zur Unterstützung des Transferprozesses durch sich anpassende Toiletten, AAL Kongress Karlsruhe 2018 – AAL Wissenschaftskongress, 11 – 12 October 2018 (abstract accepted for oral presentation)
P. Mayer, P. Panek (2018) Labormessung zur Erleichterung des Aufstehens älterer Menschen durch einen motorisierten Toilettensitz, AAL Kongress Karlsruhe 2018 – AAL Wissenschaftskongress, 11 – 12 October 2018 (abstract accepted for poster presentation)
G. Fazekas et al.(2018) User involvement in the development of an intelligent assistive toilet system for people with disabilities, poster presentation at
ESPRM, European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Vilnius, Lithuania, 01 - 06 May 2018. [poster PDF]
P. Panek, P. Mayer (2018) Ethics in a Taboo-Related AAL Project, in: Felix Piazolo and Stephan Schlögl (eds.): Innovative solutions for an ageing society, proceedings of Smarter Lives 18 conference, 20 Feb 2018, Innsbruck, Pabst Science Publishers, Lengerich, pp. 127-133
P. Panek, P. Mayer (2018) Ethik in einem tabubehafteten AAL Projekt, poster presented at SMARTER LIVES 18, AAL Praxisforum, University of Innsbruck, Austria, 20 Feb 2018.
P. Panek (2018) iToilet - Reflecting the consortium building in view of the commercialisation, invited, oral presentation on Workshop “How to build a successful consortium”, AAL2business support action, 1 February 2018, Royal Flemish Academy of Sciences and Arts, Brussels, Belgium.
P. Panek, P. Mayer (2018) Das AAL Projekt iToilet und seine ethischen Herausforderungen, Vortrag beim AK-Meeting "AAL Ethik" der AAL Austria - Innovationsplattform für intelligente Assistenz im Alltag, Haus der Forschung, FFG, Wien, eingeladen, 26. Jänner 2018
R. Rosenthal et al.(2017) Partizipation als Instrument zur Optimierung der Selbstwirksamkeit für Menschen mit der Diagnose Multiple Sklerose im Rahmen des EU Projektes iToilet, poster presented at Viennese nursing congress pflegekongress17, Austria Center Vienna, 30 Nov - 1 Dec 2017. [poster PDF]
P. Panek, P. Mayer, R. Rosenthal (2017) Involving users in the development of a smart(er) toilet system, eposter presentation at AAL Forum 2017, Coimbra, Portugal, 2-4 Oct 2017. [poster PDF]
Fazekas G, Tóth A, Sobják A, Pilissy T, Mészáros E, Rosenthal R, Lüftenegger T (2017) Felhasználói igények felmérése mozgáskorlátozott személyek és gondozóik körében a toalett használat nehézségeinek és veszélyeinek szempontjából [Assessment of user requirements among people with movement disabilities], to be presented at yearly congress of the Hungarian Rehabilitation society, 31 Aug - 2 Sept 2017, Győr, Hungary
Stefanik Gy., Sobják A., Pilissy T., Tóth A., Fazekas G. (2017) A toalett használat nehézségeinek és segítő megoldásinak vizsgálata hemiparetikus felhasználók bevonásával végzett közösségi részvételen alapuló tervezéssel [Investigation of difficulties and potential solution of toilet use involving end-users on the basis of participatorory design], to be presented at yearly congress of the Hungarian Rehabilitation society, 31 Aug - 2 Sept 2017, Győr, Hungary
T. Pilissy, A. Toth, G. Fazekas, A. Sobjak, R. Rosenthal, T. Luftenegger, P. Panek, P. Mayer (2017) Towards a Situation-and-user-aware Multi-modal Motorized Toilet System to Assist Older Adults with Disabilities: a User Requirements Study, 15th IEEE Intern Conf on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), 17-20 July 2017, London, UK, pp. 959-964, DOI: 10.1109/ICORR.2017.8009373 [Link to PDF]
P. Panek, P. Mayer, M. Raffaelli, A. Savanovic, A. Rist (2017) Erfahrungen aus der Entwicklung und von der ersten Erprobung eines IKT basierten Toilettensystems für ältere zu Hause lebende Personen (in German), oral presentation, conference „uDay XV – Umgebungsunterstütztes Leben “, 22 June 2017, university of applied science FH Vorarlberg, Dornbirn, Austria
G. Fazekas, T. Pilissy, A. Toth, A. Sobjak, R. Rosenthal, T. Luftenegger, P. Panek, P. Mayer (2017) Assessing technical difficulties and their potential assistive solutions in toilet use of elderlies and people with disabilities, oral presentation, 14th Congress of the European Forum for Research in Rehabilitation (EFRR), 24-27 May 2017, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
P. Panek, G. Fazekas, T. Lueftenegger, P. Mayer, T. Pilissy, M. Raffaelli, A. Rist, R. Rosenthal, A. Savanovic, A. Sobjak, F. Sonntag, A. Toth, B. Unger (2017) On the Prototyping of an ICT-Enhanced Toilet System for Assisting Older Persons Living Independently and Safely at Home, in: D. Hayn and G. Schreier (Eds.) Health Informatics Meets eHealth, Proc of the 11th eHealth2017 Conf, 23-24 May 2017, Vienna, Austria, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Vol. 236, IOS press, DOI 10.3233/978-1-61499-759-7-176, pp. 176 – 183. [PDF (open access)]
P. Mayer, P. Panek (2017) Involving Older and Vulnerable Persons in the Design Process of an Enhanced Toilet System, ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2017 Extended Abstracts), May 6-11, 2017, Denver, CO, USA, doi: 10.1145/3027063.3053178, pp. 2774 – 2780. [Link to CHI paper PDF] [CHI poster PDF]
T. Lüftenegger, P. Mayer, R. Rosenthal, F. Sonntag, P. Panek (2017) Partizipative Entwicklung einer assistierenden Toilette für ältere Menschen, poster presented at 12. Gemeinsamer Österreichisch-Deutscher Geriatriekongress, Universität Wien, 20-22 April 2017. [ PDF in German]
P. Panek, P. Mayer (2017) Initial Interaction Concept for a Robotic Toilet System, Proc. of ACM/IEEE 12th Intern Conf on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2017), March 6-9 2017, pp.249-250 [Link to PDF]
P. Panek, P. Mayer (2016) IKT-unterstütztes Toilettensystem für ältere Menschen - Ein transdisziplinärer Ansatz verbunden mit partizipativem Design in einem Tabubereich des Alltagslebens, in: R. Weidner (ed.): 2. Transdisziplinäre Konferenz „Technische Unterstützungssysteme, die die Menschen wirklich wollen, Konferenzband, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Hamburg, ISBN: 978-3-86818-089-3, pp. 139-146 [Link to PDF]
P. Panek, P. Mayer (2016) Applying ICT to ease the toilet usage, Gerontechnology 2016;15(suppl):22s; doi:10.4017/gt.2016.15.s.928.00 [Link to PDF]